Reverence for the Eternal bring bold confidence
in the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord there is strong confidence
proverbs 14:26
this is what I have been reading today
along with Joshua 23 and 24
(if you want to follow along, you can get one of our 'encounter the word' a daily bible reading experience)
there is a strong confidence
a bold confidence
when you have reverent worship and awe of God
couldn't we all use a little confidence ?
bold ?
I don't think this is the brash, loud, overpowering people confidence but the meek, humble I can do all things through Jesus confidence
as I began reading in Joshua, I saw a correlation between these blessings of God
and our receiving these blessings
a promise
seeing all promises were fulfilled.
Joshua was reminding us, that as we keep our end, God always keeps His end
He made, he gave, he sent, he brought, he handed, he destroyed, he delivered
and we get to choose
choose this day
if we choose God there is a condition
did you ever stop to think about that?
in 24:14-15 we see Now therefore, reverently fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in truth
put away from you any gods (idols - anything that keeps you from him)
today is the day for you to choose whom you will serve
we always have a choice
God and
God and
It seems we have created a religion where we can choose God, but never serve Him in sincerity or truth. we choose him, but serve ourselves.
do you see that?
are you living that?
so we can see that proverbs is saying the same thing
serving him from that place of choosing Him
only him
verse 19 really hits home
if you choose God.
he is a jealous God He will not tolerate your shortcomings and your sins.
if I choose God AND..then what am I really choosing?
it has to be God
only God
only reverence
only awe
verse 22 hits even harder
all right then, you are a witness against yourself. if it come to that, you have made this choice to serve the Lord
do you see that?
do you hear that?
did you ever hear that at any altar call?
choose God, give your life to God and you are a witness against yourself.
I become my own witness against myself by my choices
if I say God, but don't serve Him
kinda puts a whole new slant on the 'come up front and give your life to Jesus' doesn't it.
God takes this choice very serious
he is jealous
he warns us
is this what that strong confidence is for?
that bold confidence..
that I choose God, and give up any other god, idol, game, person, hobby,
dream, vision...
and am filled with the confidence of God
the boldness of God
reverence and worshipful fear are what keep me choosing him
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