Saturday, January 17, 2015

I'm back !

Hey my friends I have missed you -
I was in a season where I needed to lay down writing to just be with my Father God -
I have been studying and learning many things, and feeling stretched and pulled, all in a good way for this new year.
I guess I took a little vacation over the end of 2014
But I clearly heard God tell me that it is time to step out -
What was hidden and silent will now be seen and heard -                              
it's a year of releasing the things I (God) have spoken to you -
vision will now be released to be accomplished -
new vision is coming -
where there was substitution there will be transformation
it's time to step out, act, speak and declare-
vacation is over -

I think we all get in a little slump now and then. We get comfortable with our daily lives and then all of a sudden we realize we have been going about our daily lives with out prayer, reading our bible or even spending a moment with Jesus.

We find ourselves finding joy in substitutes things, people and places, and now being filled with the joy of the Lord which transforms us.

How can you tell ?

It that person, place or thing is removed - do you still have joy ? Priscilla Shirer says it like this in her book "Life Interrupted" : "A good way to determine this is to see how you  respond to a divine intervention, especially one that costs you something you don't want to part with (which many of them do) Will you go with God wherever he is calling you ?

One choice holds joy, transformation and the promises and protection of God - the other- not so much.

So as with everything in this journey - you always get to choose
your way or the 'higher way'

I know this - vacation is over

blessings my friends and I would love to hear from you!

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